What you can get from our YouTube API integration? Data. Data. Data.
The three most important pieces of data for your YouTube video campaign
It’s been a while since I shared about my startup life. So here! I want to talk about SushiVid’s analytics tool.
That’s right, we launched our own analytic tool; an integration with YouTube API, as well as our own proprietary click analytics since January this year, and here’s everything you need to know about our exciting new influencer data analytics tool and how it can benefit your influencer campaigns.
Check out what it looks like below:
Unique Clicks
Sure, we know you’re used to seeing Total Clicks but… THIS. IS. DIFFERENT! The Unique Clicks tool doesn’t just measure how many times your video has been viewed, but how many different IP addresses have checked out your campaign.
Now you’ll be able to distinguish between the campaign tragics who can’t get enough of you (kind of like how we can’t stop replaying the pool scene from La La Land. Hello Ryan Gosling playing the Keytar) and all the new visitors and conversions — you know, the ones you’re really trying to target!
Click Geography
If you’re familiar with YouTube analytics, you’ve probably monitored Audience Geography in the past.
Click Geography is an extra tool we’ve built ourselves, to work with the Audience Geography tool. The idea is that the clicks should be consistent between the two (i.e. if you have 80% audience geography from Malaysia, you should also be getting 80% of your clicks from Malaysia).
Of course, that’s not always the case as the pool of people who click isn’t always as high as the influencer’s entire audience pool. So, while an influencer may have 100,000 viewers, only 2,000 of those may click through. Of those who click, you probably want to know where they’re clicking from and why. Are they clicking in Malaysia because you’re doing a local give away? Are they clicking from America because they really wish they could taste some of the delicious delights our local foodies are serving up?
The power of this tool is that it helps brands to determine whether the real appetite (now that we’ve started talking about food we can’t stop) for their product lies. If all those clicks are coming from America you just know that’s where you need to expand to next.
The tool also allows us to put our detective hats on and sniff out those naughty influencers who are buying views. Heads up, if your video is in Hindi and the majority of your views are from the Ukraine, it’s fair to say you’ve bought some likes. Tut Tut.
YouTube analytics are a bit like a Eurovision voting system — they fall down country lines. And while that is helpful, you can really focus your marketing if you know which cities and states are really digging you. This precise information is just what brands need to find interested and potential customers.
Did someone say roadshow road trip?
Take Aways
SushiVid is determined to deliver a platform that delivers real value to South East Asian brands and influencers, and we think our handy new analytic tools will do just that. With more precise information, brands can better target their campaigns and marketing actions. Hello conversion!
If you have any questions about the new features, or any ideas of how we could deliver an even better service please get in touch. We’d love to chat over a maki roll or two!
Email me at wen@sushivid.com