Tribute to Nazrin
I can’t say we were bestest of friends but every time we met, it was kindred. You were always supportive, always giving me the nudge to go forward.
The memory that struck me the hardest was the day I tendered my resignation. After all that drama and politicking, I couldn’t take it anymore. I bawled my eyes out at your office. You offered me tissue, made me sit and you waited till I sobered up and we spoke. You were sympathetic and kind, even to an executive. Just a common executive like me. You asked me sincerely if this is what I really wanted, and you respected my decision and offered to even find alternative jobs for me. This was 2012.
While at Cradle, you always looked out for me. Even on a personal level. You would scout out candidates I could marry and every time you saw me talking to another startup founder, you would say “Yuhwen, when I saw you and that guy standing next to each other, it’s Bagai Pinang dibelah dua.”
2013, I was in Singapore and you came to Singapore for one of the tech events. I took the opportunity to invite you to catch up. Honestly, I didn’t think you would agree. I have never done that with any of my ex-bosses. Definitely not my Past CEOs. We met up at the lounge of your hotel. I had whiskey while you had tea. We were different but you didn’t judge me. I remembered talking to you about the startup I was in, catching up on how the team was and keeping me updated on the latest bawang. It was nice we got to talk like old friends. You gave me the time of your day, because I was a former Cradleian. That was the extend of your commitment to Cradle.
3 years ago, I invited you to breakfast at Dome, I was nervous you would say no. But you never rejected my invitation. You always gave entrepreneurs your time. I shared the idea of my startup with you that morning, you were really supportive of my decision. Your advice that day gave me so much confidence to start SushiVid. As the months went by, you continued to share contacts with me, every time someone needed marketing of any sort, you would no doubt remember me. That is what’s so kind about you. You follow through, you always do.
2 months ago, I requested to meet again. This time, my startup was in trouble. Because you were a CEO, I am sometimes reserve about calling you. I preferred to handle it myself before I would reach out to you. But you scolded me. You said to me “Yuhwen, you’re a Cradleian! Why are you behaving like a stranger! You should have come to me for help! Other founders have come to me for lesser and yet you would not. Why? No matter what, of course I would help you. You’re a founder now, you must think like one. Not think like a former employee. Grab the opportunity to call me when you need help!” That day, my problem was solved.
No amount of words can describe how thankful I am for you. For whatever little time we have shared, that you have imparted your advice and knowledge to me and extended your hand to help me. You are humble, helpful and most importantly kind.
Today, as a CEO, I will do my best to be a leader like you have been to me. You have left a lasting impact on me and I will miss the coffee sessions, the random bump intos at tech events. I am deeply saddened by your passing. My heart and thoughts are with your family.
May you rest in peace.